House Concerts
Want to host a house concert? Leave your information here and Jared will send you details on how to host your very own private house concert for you and a group of your friends.
Never heard of house concerts? Check out the video and read below.

A house concert is as crazy as it sounds. Music fans all around the country host secret shows in private house venues. Invited guests fill their living rooms to experience an evening of original music and stories from performing musicians. If Jared has a night off on a tour, you might find him performing one of these house venues in cities and towns across America. But, you don't need to be an official house concert venue to host a show. Anyone can become a host for one night. If you leave your information above, Jared will contact you himself and walk you through the simple process of how you can host your own show.
For step-by-step instructions and FAQs, read through this guide on HOSTING A HOUSE CONCERT. Hosting a show is as easy as following the steps.
Send Jared your email and zip code and he will get in touch.